Helping NGOs secure funding, grow & be more effective!

NGOInfo Services help NGOs get regular alerts for premium funding opportunities for NGOs and apply for them using 100% editable proposal templates, grow their digital presence through low cost websites, help them with free email@( for life, 100s of training materials, videos, trips & tricks and much more…

and counting! Premium members & patrons

Exclusive Funding & Grants Opportunities!


Editable ready-made proposal templates!


Training Materials, Tips & Tricks!


All inclusive, custom proposal writing!


for website. Domain & hosting included!


email IDs + 100 TB storage free for life!

£ 0 per month
Access to regular funding opportunities
No proposal templates
Limited training materials
Regular price proposal writing services
Regular Price websites (£8 per month)
Just £ 3.5 per month
Exclusive access to Premium Funding Opportunities
Weekly funding newsletters
100% Editable, ready-made proposal templates
100+ training materials, videos, tips & tricks!
10 emails @ name free for life with 100+ TB storage FREE FOR LIFE!
Heavily Discounted, custom proposal writing services for just £55 per proposal (NO HIDDEN COSTS!)
Website, with domain name, hosting & donation page (for extra just £3 per month!)